The Pan Pacific Alliance is an infantry heavy force, stemming originally from a reduced defence budget which was spent on a quality over quantity basis. Infantry therefore make up a sizeable portion of all PanPac combat groupings. Given this weight on infantry and the reliance upon them, PanPac infantrymen (and women) are trained to a high level of proficiency. A good example of this is that all PanPac troopers are given a course in marine and underwater operations during their basic training. While dedicated and specialise marine units do exist, this additional training gives all PanPac commanders an added measure of flexibility when employing their infantry.
PanPac infantry doctrine is heavily reliant upon mobility, even to the extent of reducing firepower to achieve this (in direct contrast to their Argentinean opponents in the ADZ). The use of mobility as a force multiplier was used extensively and perfected in the Nihon invasion of Northern Australia where the operations in this AO involved vast distances. This mobility emphasis has put the PanPac infantry in good stead for the highly mobile nature of ADZ operations to date, and has gone a long way to offset the advantages the Argentinean GEV superiority.
Company Headquarters:
One squad sized unit including Company Commander, Company 2IC, Company Sergeant Major, two communications support staff, plus a Battalion detachment of (usually) three including Fire Support, EW or other specialist liaison as required.
Support Section:
This provides organic heavy weapons support for the Rifle Platoons. It consists of the Section Sergeant, a communicator and two detachments each of three men.
Platoon Headquarters:
Four men: the Platoon Commander, Platoon Sergeant, a Communications expert and a Combat Medic.
The Infantry section:
Like most protagonists, the standard Pan Pac infantry section consists of six men, which are divided into three Teams. A Command Team contains the Section Commander and a Scout whilst the other two Fire Teams each consist of SAW Gunner (F77) and a Riflemen equipped with the F72 Advanced Combat Rifle.
Infantry Weapons and Equipment:
The emphasis on PanPac weapons development has been reliability and durability under particularly harsh environments. Consequently, the use of binary chemical propellants (susceptible to degradation in heat and cold) or advanced but high-maintenance weapons components is limited to specialist and heavy weapon development.
M13ModA2 Powered Infantry Armour Suit 'DINGO' - This is the basis of all PanPac Battlesuit models. DINGO armour has standard variant configurations available (Command, Scout/Ranger, Engineer etc.). A major exception to this is that all DINGO suits are capable of underwater operations. Modifications for use as a Marine variant are quick and simple - the addition of a modified sensor suite and fitting the hydrojet propulsion unit. This allows great versatility in PanPac infantry employment and all troops take at an underwater combat familiarisation course as part of their infantry training.
The basic variant includes advanced climate control modules that can be swapped out to adapt to the specific environment. For example, the aircon unit typically fitted for operations in the Australian Outback can stretch the endurance of the suit up to three times normal figures, while in the ADZ, the enhanced heating and life support module will comfortably maintain a normal environment within the suit for up to three days (this has been found to be essential as the standard environmental controls have been found to last between 6 - 18 hours in unsheltered Antarctic conditions). DINGO power armour is also able to connect to the most PanPac vehicles for power replenishment and life support assistance - a feature that further extends battlefield endurance.
The ModA2 progression of the M13 battlesuit incorporates real time datalinks at between within the squad and platoon, and also with feeds to higher command echelons. Tight beam laser and optic fibre linkages in addition to radio freq data bearers increase the opportunities for robust communications in EW environments and reduce enemy intercept opportunities. Earlier models (deployed in second line and reserve units) lack these enhancements.
F72 Advanced Combat Rifle –Standard Infantry small arm firing standard 5mm caseless BPC sabot ammunition. It is fitted with advanced Electro-Optic sights, Battlesuit interface connectors and a bullpup firing mechanism. Although typically carried on a Gyro Mount, some infantrymen prefer to carry it freehand in order to adopt better fire positions unhindered.
F77 Squad Assault Weapon (SAW)– A belt/magazine fed 20mm light gauss cannon, it is typically operated by a single powersuited infantryman, but the fireteam mate assists in moving and setting up the weapon. Ammunition is provided from a 500 round backpack hopper and fed to the weapon through a flexible hose feed
M27P/L GMS: A standardised 81mm missile system that is employed in man-portable, Ground Mount and in the Support Vehicle roles. It can be used in the "fire’n’forget" mode of operation, or can be terminally guided by an operator to reduce EW jamming and spoofing effects. The Mk27 ‘R’ variant now coming into service can also be used as a recon drone and loiter prior to conducting an attack
M39 Infantry Anti Armour Rocket (IAVR): A popular anti-vehicle and "bunker buster", this 72mm guided rocket is fitted with a dual purpose warhead that can be ‘dialed’ by the firer to engage either light armour and hardened targets, or provide a shrapnel effect against soft targets such as troops in the open or in light cover. While it is a ‘dumb’ missile with a flat trajectory, its simple tracking denies enemy EW systems the chance to defeat it by jamming.
F82 Sniper Rifle (Laser): The Lithgow Arms Electra is one exception to the PanPac imperative of simplicity in weapons design. This high-energy pulse laser rifle can be powered from the DINGO power armour, a high capacity backpack or 5 shot magazine-batteries. Utilised by only specialised sniper teams, it can be used to either designate targets for supporting ordnance or for traditional sniping methodology. Its range is theoretically unlimited, although line of sight through terrain and environmental conditions hinder its practical application.
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